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I'm Sean
a developer
for you


Please press the below project buttons to view my work.
You can demo the projects live too (except for business).

feedback system 📊

I was tasked with creating a system for customers to score over 100 staff members based on their service for 11 different departments.

From this, I designed, implemented and documented a customer facing feedback system which produced analysis tools for management.

Through the company's proprietary scheduling system, a customer was prompted to complete a Google Form for service feedback.

A central database received form responses, analysed results and sent data via webhooks to the relevant department.

Department data was received in a Google Sheet, which had pre-built formulas / tables for KPI reporting and analysis.

Individual workers could access their own feedback scores and analyse their personal trends.

Project Goals:

  • increase service quality
  • automate tasks
  • change business model

Built with:

JS Google Suites

task automation 🤖

I automated a manual task that saves over 1,200 hours a year equating to a cost reduction of $26,000 AUD.

This task took a manager on average 2 hours a week to complete, which the program completed in 60 seconds (11 managers).

The company used a web based software that required managers to manually check data in a very time consuming way.

Using a Python script with Selenium's library, the program would automatically navigate the web software with instructions based on HTML elements.

The program had an easy-to-use user interface for a manager to input a date range. This would output a formatted text file that dislayed which staff member had which data missing.

The program was exported to an executable file that could run on Windows machines making it accessible company wide.

Project Goals:

  • automate tasks
  • reduce expenses

Built with:

Python HTML Selenium Tkinter Pyinstaller

Slack integration 🛰️

I moved the company's communcation platform from Google Chat / Line for over 150 employees to Slack.

By creating Slack Apps and integrating webhooks, there were numerous automated messages that were implemented to notify staff in a timely fashion of updates and urgent actions required. Previously, these notifications were all manual.

For example, due to the closed nature of the company's software, when a client cancelled a service, an email was sent to reception only. Using Google Apps Script, I read the reception's inbox every minute for certain emails and if found, would convert the contents to a Slack message and send this to the relevant Slack channel.

I also prepared training guides and rulesets for Slack use.

Project Goals:

  • improve communication
  • automate tasks
  • improve work life balance

Built with:

Slack JS Google Suites

email marketing 📧

I developed exectuable programs with Python that take in CSV information exported from the company's proprietary software.

These programs generate useable CSVs that identify students who have been studying at the same level for X number of months and prompt a teacher to give feedback for the student.

I created an HTML template (with CSS) for an email and a Google Sheet to accept formatted CSV data. With Google Apps Script, the sheet would scan each row of the CSV (a student) and generate and send a beautiful email that dynamically input details and the teacher's comments.

This system is used once every 3 months to email around 200 students.

Project Goals:

  • increase customer lifetime
  • reduce marketing costs
  • automate tasks

Built with:

Python JS HTML CSS Google Suites

share a joke 🤣

Server based web application that allows users to create, search, share and vote on puns!

Tailwind for CSS for a fully responsive site for all sizes. Built with a dark theme in mind too.

Python/Django for the backend framework with SQLite as the database.

Using JavaScript's fetch API, users can vote in real time for puns (like / dislike buttons).

All UX/UI was designed in Figma for prototyping.


Built with:

HTML CSS Sass JS Figma JSpdf

rewire your brain 🧠

This single page web application was created with JavaScript, HTML, CSS (using SASS) and integrates JSpdf.

The site allows a user to input information required for CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and generate a PDF summary from user input.

As users of this struggle with motivation, the app is designed to deliver minimal information at a single point for the user experience.

The UX and UI is designed around positive reinforcement and a push for continuing forward.


Built with:

HTML CSS Sass JS Figma JSpdf

share your hidden gems 🗺️

Web application created with Python/Djange, SQLite, HTML, CSS (SASS) and Javascript.

Fully mobile responsive web app that allows users to log in, search and create walking route maps to share with other users.

Utilises OpenLayers to display map information / interact with creatable maps.

Fetch requests to the server and communication between the HTML in the client browser is achieved through Javascript interactions.


Built with:

HTML CSS Sass JS Figma OpenLayers

roll dice 🎲

Android application developed in the Unity Engine with C#. Reads your smartphones accelerometer and determines if enough force has been used to simulate throwing a set of dice. Once detected, dice will be thrown with simulated physics and your dice total is presented.

Each dice was modelled in Blender and textured in Gimp.

The application was released on the Google Play Store with numerous updates.


Built with:

C# Unity Android Blender Gimp

orb orb 🌠

Android application developed in the Unity Engine with C#. Using touch, the user can "Orbs" around the screen.

Through development, an understanding of asset management in relation to it's effects on application size and performance was required in order to reduce the APK size as much as possible while maintaining a quality user experience.

The game was released on the Google Play Store with numerous updates.


Built with:

C# Unity Android

about me

👨‍💻  software developer

2022 - now 🇦🇺

  • joined a company back in Perth
  • enjoying the challenges and learning experiences

developer 💻

2019 - 2022 🇯🇵

  • moved to Tokyo and learnt Japanese
  • studied programming (for fun this time!)
  • worked as an engineer / manager for an online business
  • had the time of my life

🧮 accounting

2014 - 2019 🇦🇺

  • handled large portfolio of clients
  • learnt a lot about finance, tax and project management
  • became a Chartered Accountant
  • studied a lot

university 🎓

2011 - 2013 🇦🇺

  • graduated B.Comm
  • made some amazing friends
  • ... also studied a lot

